Friday, December 14, 2007

This is by my friend SIDD

Oh, I nearly wish I could
Easy as chopping the headen wood
Help me if I can help that mighty bastard
We ran away, slipping on this mustard
Its yellow, pal, very, very, yellow
I want a warm greeting, hello, you a marshmallow?
This is an effort to sound that lamest lame
When the pigeons are tired of their practiced game
When fucking yourself is all you can do
You ought to go think about Eugene's goo
Yoo hoo, am I alone on this?
Oh, crappy crap crap, some bit of something amiss
I love you, you're my scaly beast, I'm mean
And when they squeak 'green green, fairy queen'
I will laugh and pounce on that slimy blend
And will, myself announce, that I am spent

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